Author(s): Satish Kumar


DOI: Not Available

Address: Satish Kumar*
Dept. of Mathematics, Govt. Post Graduate Collage, Kullu, (HP), INDIA.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2012

Many physical and engineering problems when formulated in mathematical language give rise to partial differential equations. Besides these, partial differential equations (PDEs) also play an important role in the theory of Elasticity, Hydraulics etc. Since the general solution of a partial differential equation in a region R contains arbitrary constants or arbitrary functions, the unique solution of a partial differential equation corresponding to a physical problem will satisfy certain conditions at the boundary of the region R. These are boundary conditions. When these conditions are specified for the time t=o, they are known as initial conditions. A partial differential equation together with boundary conditions constitutes a boundary value problem. In the applications of ordinary linear differential equations, we first find the general solution and then determine the arbitrary constants from the initial values. But the same method is not applicable to problems involving partial differential equations. Most of the boundary value problems involving linear partial differential equations can be solved by the method of separation variables. In this method, right from beginning, we try to find the particular solutions of the partial differential equation which satisfy all as some of the boundary conditions and then adjust them till the remaining conditions are also satisfied. A combination of these particular solutions gives the solution of the problem.

Cite this article:
Satish Kumar. The Formation of One and Two Dimensional Wave Equations (Partial Differential Equations) in Term of Mechanical Perspective. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 3(2): April-June 2012 page124-132.

Satish Kumar. The Formation of One and Two Dimensional Wave Equations (Partial Differential Equations) in Term of Mechanical Perspective. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 3(2): April-June 2012 page124-132.   Available on:

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RNI: Not Available                     
DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X 

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