Author(s): R. K. Pal


DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X.2016.00008.8   

Address: R. K. Pal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Panjab University SSG Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur (Pb.)
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 7,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016

The indoor air temperature becomes very high in summers and very low in winters in concrete houses making these uncomfortable to live in. So energy expenditure can be very high to make these houses comfortable to live in. The present work is an analysis of performance of mud houses in winters. Indoor air temperature was higher in case of the mud house than that in the concrete house for the months December to February. The maximum difference in indoor air temperature for a mud house is 1.79°C, 2.69 °C and 2.68°C in comparison to the concrete house for the month of December to February respectively. Savings in energy of the order of 175, 355 and 348 units of electric energy are obtainable for the month of December to February respectively. Savings in terms of money have a value of Rs. 875, 1775 and 1740 in December to February respectively. Total savings obtainable in terms of energy have a value of 878 units of electric energy and total savings in terms of money are of the order of Rs. 4390 for winter season from December to February for the mud houses. So the mud houses are to some extent more comfortable for living than the concrete houses in winters and there are also savings in the form of energy and money.

Cite this article:
R. K. Pal. Analysis of Mud Houses for Winter Season. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 7(1): Jan. -Mar., 2016 page 35-39 . doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2016.00008.8

R. K. Pal. Analysis of Mud Houses for Winter Season. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 7(1): Jan. -Mar., 2016 page 35-39 . doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2016.00008.8   Available on:

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