Chaitali Katpatal, Pallavi Bijwe, Rashmi Fulper, Prof. B. M. Hardas
Chaitali Katpatal*, Pallavi Bijwe, Rashmi Fulper, Prof. B. M. Hardas
Department of Electronics Engineering, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management,
Nagpur- 440133 Dist-Nagpur (M.S.) India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 10,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2019
In this paper, a smart ration distribution system is designed which aims to curb forgery, corruption and illegal distribution of the ration which is supposed to be given to the poor population of the country at legitimate rates. The system uses RFID (Radio frequency Identification) technique as a unique ID device. An RFID tag is used as the ration card, which stores all the information about the user. When this card id tapped at the RFID reader, the microcontroller (ATmega16) connected to it will verify the data and validate the user. If found valid, the LCD connected to the microcontroller will display the user’s name, amount of monthly ration allotted and the total amount. Also the microcontroller instructs the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) to send an SMS to the user as well as government directly without any manual insertion of data so that theft is under check.
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Chaitali Katpatal, Pallavi Bijwe, Rashmi Fulper, Prof. B. M. Hardas. A Smart Public Ration Distribution System. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2019;10(3):115-120. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2019.00020.5
Chaitali Katpatal, Pallavi Bijwe, Rashmi Fulper, Prof. B. M. Hardas. A Smart Public Ration Distribution System. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2019;10(3):115-120. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2019.00020.5 Available on: