Author(s): M. Ram Babu, T. Seshadri Sekkhar

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DOI: 10.52711/2321-581X.2021.00008   

Address: M. Ram Babu, T. Seshadri Sekkhar
National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), Hyderabad.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2021

Quality management in the project is of considerable importance from both an economic and a social point of view. The bridge construction project is located on the local road networks and focuses on many complex problems and issues that can be effectively solved by the quality management process. The research is to identify the best system for quality management in the bridge construction project. Quality Management plays an important role in the entire construction process. Total Quality Management, Quality Assurance and Quality Control ranked highest respectively as a part of quality management practices being followed in projects. Finding defects early will save you a lot of money, and you will see the project proceed as expected. The results of this study will document the early defects and solutions to it which help to improve the quality system of bridge construction projects. It focuses on providing a tool and idea to improve quality management for the construction. It also assists the contractor, consultancy and customer to understand best practices for the quality management system used in the bridge construction process.

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M. Ram Babu, T. Seshadri Sekkhar. Quality Management of an Infrastructure Project with A Case Study of Two-Tier Flyover Bridge. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2021;12(2):44-0. doi: 10.52711/2321-581X.2021.00008

M. Ram Babu, T. Seshadri Sekkhar. Quality Management of an Infrastructure Project with A Case Study of Two-Tier Flyover Bridge. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2021;12(2):44-0. doi: 10.52711/2321-581X.2021.00008   Available on:

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