Meena Sharma, Gaurav Verma
Meena Sharma1, Gaurav Verma2
1Department of Mathematics, Khalsa College for Women, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
2Research Scholar, I.K.G Punjab Technical University, Punjab, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 7,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2016
MATLAB is a significant tool for academicians, researchers, and engineers. The main feature of the MATLAB is its computational environment combined with and the straightforward interface, toolkits, modeling capabilities etc. MATLAB also stands as programming language and an environment serving the technical needs of a wide range of mathematicians. MATLAB relieves you of a lot of the mundane tasks associated with solving problems numerically. This allows you to spend more time thinking, and encourages you to experiment. MATLAB makes use of highly respected algorithms and hence you can be confident about your results.The purpose of the paper is to discuss the role of MATLAB in mathematics. The paper deals with the brief introduction of MATLAB, MATLAB programming and various features of the MATLAB. The various fundamental operations of MATLAB are discussed in the paper which are helpful for the students for performing mathematics problems.
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Meena Sharma, Gaurav Verma. Role of MATLAB in Mathematics. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2016; 7(4): 179-181. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2016.00031.3
Meena Sharma, Gaurav Verma. Role of MATLAB in Mathematics. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2016; 7(4): 179-181. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2016.00031.3 Available on: