Author(s): Hailu Brhane Gebreyesus


DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00029.X   

Address: Hailu Brhane Gebreyesus
Adigrat University, P.O Box 50, Adigrat, Tigray, Ethiopia.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2020

Waste to energy concept is one of the best methods, which not only consider the environment but also generate energy from municipal solid waste. Generation of municipal solid waste at Adigrat city, Ethiopia, has grown steadily mainly due to migration of people from rural areas. However, the waste has not been managed and utilized as a useful resource due to lack of awareness and proper technology in the city. The objective of this study was to investigate the type and volume of household municipal solid waste and to measure its heat content in order to obtain information about municipal solid waste to energyfound at Adigrat city. To achieve this objective questionnaire, field observation, interview, sorting of collected wastes, measurement of calorific value by bomb calorimeter and Dulong?s formula and measurement of proximate analysis were the instrument employed to collect valid data. This Study randomly selected 70 households that are estimated to represent all classes of income levels; low, middle and high and completes on 70 households having 420 people. Waste generation rate at Adigrat city per capita per day was found to be 0.26kg/capita/day. The average heating values obtained from the experimental analysis were 17MJ/kg. The energy content obtained from the basic composition of waste using Dulong’s formula was 13,271kJ/kg. These results show that it might be possible to get 2 MW of power from the household solid waste composition represented by the sample and it's an honest potential to improving the facility shortage and interruption problems in Adigart city. The results of this study might be used for design considerations within the selection and establishment of waste to energy technology in Adigrat city.

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Hailu Brhane Gebreyesus. Investigation of the type and volume of household municipal solid waste and measurement of its total heat: The case of Adigrat city. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2020;11(4):187-196. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00029.X

Hailu Brhane Gebreyesus. Investigation of the type and volume of household municipal solid waste and measurement of its total heat: The case of Adigrat city. Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2020;11(4):187-196. doi: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00029.X   Available on:

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